速闭阀控制箱-气动速闭阀控制箱-气动快关阀控制箱 技术规格: 型 号Type: CSKX-70Ⅴ 数 量Quantity: 1台/船 1set/ship 空气瓶容积 Volume of Air Receiver: 70L 工作压力working pressure: 0.7MPa 设计压力design pressure: 0.8 Mpa 控制路数control ways :5 路 ways 材 质: 空气瓶材料为Q345R,箱子材料为Q235A,管路为20无缝管。 Material: material of air reservoir is Q345R material of box is Q235A, and material of tube is 20 seamless tubes. 油 漆::空气瓶外表面涂乳白色面漆,管子及箱体外表涂红色面漆 Paint: Inside surface of air receiver to be painted with white paint, all tube and outside surface of box to be painted red paint. 控制箱配备空气瓶,进气阀、出气阀、压力表及压力表阀、安全阀、泄放阀、各阀门的口径及位置在认可图时确定。 Control box should be equipped with following nozzles and valves: air receiver, inlet valve, outlet valves, pressure gage and its valves, safety valve, drain valve and so on. The final arrangement and diameters will be determined in the drawings approved by Part A.